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Why is Dust a Problem?

Problems associated with dust are numerous. Some dust related issues have long lasting effects to both health and operating costs.  Have you experienced any of these issues at your facility?

  • The inhalation of dust is one of the most important causes of ill-health related to work. Dust is responsible for serious and disabling diseases, ranging from cancers to asthma and bronchitis.

Dust Suppression
  • Large amounts of dust can reduce visibility causing accidents and other safety issues.

  • Storm water pollution is increased as contaminants are washed away with surface dust.

  • Vehicle traffic erodes surface aggregates into fine dust particles creating potholes wash boarding, and uneven surfaces.

  • Dust buildup and crown loss can cause poor drainage allowing water to penetrate into base and sub base layers.  Subsurface water initially causes mud and sink holes but can ultimately result in complete road failure.

  • Over time dust problems result in a decrease in efficiency, an increase in workplace hazards and an increase in equipment down time and maintenance costs.

Dust Suppression

To learn more about dust control problems see this informative article in Better Roads Magazine: Control of Dust is a Major Must.



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